Monday, September 12, 2005

Extreme Stupidity from programmers.

The AMACC (now AMACU) reject amaccboy had enough moxy to advertize his stupid botting program and 3rd party software in the ragnaboards.

Whether it's the real deal doesn't concern me. No one is a halfwit to post something like that in there, knowing such programs are outlawed.

That disowned simpleton claims it is spyware free and working, yet he asks info and GID locks it. This means he can do anything with your character.

Ergo, 3rd party programs are stupid, foolish, and an invitation for disaster. Don't be a fool and stay away from it.

The people of AMACU are relieved they have rejected whoever is this amaccboy. Now all that's left is to amend the law in congress about IT and make his activites a damn crime.

Then again, he's giving the school a bad name. But heh, who cares?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"yet he asks info and GID locks it. This means he can do anything with your character."

Do you really understand a thing?
What amaccboy needs: payment and GID he needs the customers GID to lock his program for that customer only so that no other account can use his program.

FYI what you can do on someones GID is just to take a look at it.. nothing special.

and if ever you can control someones account using a GID, fuck you, anyone could generate others GID using his own GID.

"Ergo, 3rd party programs are stupid, foolish, and an invitation for disaster. Don't be a fool and stay away from it."

dont generalize, man . ur not even a programmer to claim that such programs are stupid..

and before you say anything do some research not just fkng nub's opinions aight?

go2hell nub